dijous, 29 de gener del 2015

English Theatre: Sherlock Holmes. 3r i 4rt ESO.

Last Friday 7th November all secondary students went to see an English theatre play in the big hall in our school. The play is called Sherlock and it’s based on the novel The Hound of the Baskervilles written by Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes and his friend and assistant Watson need to solve the case of a series of murders that are taking place near Baskerville Hall. A hound  seems to be the cause of these murders but it turns out that it isn’t the dog. During the play the actors sing songs and there are a lot of funny scenes and jokes.
We enjoyed the play and it was a good opportunity for us to have English theatre with English actors in our own school.

Presentació dels alumnes de 3r ESO.

Hola, som els alumnes de 3r d’ESO. Som un grup de 30 nois i noies. La majoria estem junts des de P3, tot i que hi ha gent que ha entrat més tard però, és com si fóssim companys des de petits. Durant aquest temps, hem après a ser bons companys i a respectar-nos entre nosaltres i als altres tot i que no tots som amics però si companys. Som un grup xerraire excepte quan un professor ens pregunta alguna cosa però també som treballadors. Som una classe molt alegre i ens portem bastant bé. No ens queixem si ens posen molts deures tot i que ens en posin molts (sempre hi ha algú que no els fa).